ANWIL temporarily halts production of nitrogenous fertilisers
ANWIL temporarily halts production of nitrogenous fertilisers - reason: sharp rise in natural gas prices in Europe.
Due to an unprecedented and record increase in natural gas prices in Europe, ANWIL has decided to temporarily suspend production of nitrogenous fertilisers. The company monitors the situation on the raw materials market on an ongoing basis. As soon as macroeconomic conditions in the gas market stabilise, production will resume.
Natural gas is the main raw material used in the manufacture of nitrogenous fertilisers. Natural gas prices rose by 41% in one week alone, from EUR 200.4/MWh (15.08) to EUR 282.8/MWh (23.08). In contrast, since the start of the war in Ukraine, prices for this commodity have risen by 218%, from EUR 88.9/MWh (24.02).
For this reason, many European manufacturers in the chemical industry, including fertilisers, such as Yara, OCI, Nitrogenmuvek and Fertiberia have already decided firmly to introduce production restrictions. ANWIL, as one of the few companies, has so far maintained continuity of production and ensured the availability of the product on the market, despite very difficult macroeconomic conditions. The company fulfilled all its current contractual obligations for customers in the Polish market.
The current situation on the natural gas market is exceptional, unpredictable and completely beyond ANWIL’s control.
During the shutdown of production lines, ANWIL will carry out repair and investment work.