- PKN ORLEN S.A. acquires 100% stockholding in ANWIL S.A.
A contract is concluded with UHDE from Germany for construction of a new chlorine condensation installation.
- PKN ORLEN S.A. stockholding in ANWIL S.A. increased up to 94.50 % (through an acquisition of bearer stocks from ENERGA S.A).
- Start-up of a modern oxygen generating plant constructed under an American licence from AMCS, producing argon and gaseous and liquid oxygen and nitrogen.
- Ammonia Plant Control Room modernization ended.
- The corporate name is changed to ANWIL Spółka Akcyjna; a new "ANWIL S.A. organizational structure model" is adopted.
2010 - 2008
- A takeover of Spolana a.s., a Czech company seated in Neratovice.
- Chlorine and soda lye production plant expansion ended and production technology changed to membrane technology (ANWIL is the only Polish company and among the few companies in East-Central Europe using this state-of-the-art method).
- A contract is concluded for construction of a production facility for PET granulated products (joint-venture with companies from SK Group from South Korea).
1999 - 2003
- Expansion and revamping of vinyl chloride and PVC installation, construction of a new production line for nitro-chalk and one of the most modern Polish installations for recovery of hydrogen chloride from chloroorganic waste, modernization of water and waste-water management within the facility.
- The corporate name is changed to ANWIL S.A.
- The company is transformed into a sole-shareholder company of the State Treasury.
1989 - 1992
- Construction and start-up of a granulated PVC compound products production plant.
1976 - 1985
- Construction of a PVC installation and a new heat and power station.
1971 - 1972
- Production lines are started for ammonium nitrate, nitric acid and ammonia.
- A decision is taken to start the construction of Zakłady Azotowe „Włocławek”.